Mesothelioma and Lung Cancer
Exposure to asbestos generally causes two major types of cancer: mesothelioma and lung cancer. Both cancers affect the lungs and chest by causing pain and reducing lung function.
Death rates for mesothelioma and lung cancer tend to correlate with each other. The five states with the most mesothelioma deaths also have the most lung cancer deaths.
Each disease can take decades to develop yet only months to spread to distant organs. And they have similar diagnostic procedures and treatment techniques.
In addition, lung cancer and mesothelioma have overlapping symptoms. They both commonly cause chest pain, coughing, difficulty breathing, fatigue and weight loss. If a patient has these symptoms along with a history of asbestos exposure and/or a history of smoking, doctors should immediately suspect lung cancer or mesothelioma.
But despite having a number of similarities, these cancers differ in physical characteristics and non-asbestos risk factors.
Diagnosing Mesothelioma and Lung Cancer
To diagnose either type of cancer, a doctor may perform an X-ray, a bronchoscopy or a biopsy. During a bronchoscopy, the doctor inserts a tube down the throat and into the airways of the lung to detect abnormalities such as visible tumor growth. If the doctor finds irregular growth, he or she may collect a cell sample and test it for cancer.
In a biopsy, the doctor removes a small portion of suspicious tissue and tests it for cancer growth. The doctor may be able to perform this procedure using only a needle and no incision. To collect a larger sample, however, he or she may need to perform a minor biopsy surgery.
Another test is performed only when doctors suspect a patient has lung cancer. In this test, called sputum cytology, the doctor collects and tests a sample of thick phlegm that the patient coughed up from the lungs. This test may reveal abnormalities like blood or cancerous cells in the phlegm.
Treating These Cancers
For mesothelioma and lung cancer, treatment options largely depend on how much the cancer has spread. Most treatment plans include some combination of surgery, radiation therapy and/orchemotherapy.
If the cancer is localized to the lung area, surgery may be able to remove all or most of the tumor growth. But surgeries vary by specific type of cancer.
For both types of cancer, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are also considered standard courses of treatment. If the mesothelioma or lung cancer is localized, either treatment can be used to shrink tumor growth and potentially kill all tumor cells. When used in this potentially curative way, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are typically combined with surgery. These treatments can still be used if the cancer has spread beyond its original location. In these cases, treatments are palliative and aim to reduce symptoms.
Experimental therapies are being tested through clinical trials for both cancers. Some of these innovative therapies include immunotherapy, gene therapy, photodynamic therapy and cyrotherapy. Photodynamic therapy is used more routinely in the treatment of lung cancer than in mesothelioma.
One year after diagnosis, survival rates for lung cancer and mesothelioma are close: 42 percent for lung cancer patients 39 percent for mesothelioma patients. Survival rates diverge after several years, with lung cancer patients having a long-term survival advantage. A decade after diagnosis, 10 percent of lung cancer patients and 4 percent of mesothelioma patients are alive.
Beyond the statistics, though, is the need for someone with an asbestos cancer to secure an accurate diagnosis: Is it asbestos-related lung cancer or is it mesothelioma? The next step would be to formulate the best individual treatment plan.
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